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PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 5:04 pm 
2.0TB storage
2.0TB storage
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I'm still hanging on to my little server. I only use it for backups and streaming music I've ripped from CDs over the years.

I recently bought a W11 Workstation and lost the ability to run backups. So, I've loaded Server 2022 on my MSS.

I want to try and use URBackup. I've got both client and server versions loaded on their respective machines, but can't for the life of me figure out how to make it work. I've looked for some tutorials but have not found anything that is useful for someone with only a few "IT" skills.

Can someone point me to one, please?


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:43 pm 
3.0TB storage
3.0TB storage

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Not a direct answer, but why not run Office Maven's WSEE Installer instead of something you cant find any support for? It allows you to install the Windows Server Essentials Experience (WSEE) that came in Server 16 on newer versions of Windows Server and is well supported.

Hi All, Thanks to everyone for your continued effort to keep the MSS & WHS alive. Haven't registered yet? Please do so the moderators know your here!

ex49x/v1 (toyin w/Vail)
Q8200s w/two 30mm cooling fans
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2025 11:17 pm 
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I'm interested and will have a look in the morning. I found @MusicLover2112's post where he mentions getting the pesky light to stop flashing.

I more than likely will need help with all of this. I've been relying on Youtube to help me through most things. I hope Alex doesn't pull the plug before I get things buttoned up.

Thanks for the recommendation.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 2:41 pm 
3.0TB storage
3.0TB storage

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In case Alex does shut MSS down, there seems to be a pretty active forum at the Office Maven site. URbackup also has a somewhat active community.

As for me, I've been saving for some Micron 7.68 tb ssd's for quite some time (expensive little buggers), finally got them last Black Friday, and planning an upgrade forward from WHS11. Most likely I'll end up with server 19 or 22 & Office Maven.

The MSS hardware takes a lick'n and just keeps tick'n. But at some point I'll end up with something ITX based, maybe using m.2's and an InWin Chopin Max case..

Hi All, Thanks to everyone for your continued effort to keep the MSS & WHS alive. Haven't registered yet? Please do so the moderators know your here!

ex49x/v1 (toyin w/Vail)
Q8200s w/two 30mm cooling fans
4gb Ram
Rear Casecover Cooling Mod

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 3:35 pm 
2.0TB storage
2.0TB storage
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I love this little server. I've relied on it over the years for daily backups and as a music server. I have it in a closet near the door to my garage. I can grab it on my way out, if I need to leave in a haste.

I am excited to be ab le to breathe new life into it with WS2022. I figure 2 4TB drives will get me through until I take my dirt nap. I've been lucky and have had to replace the drives over the years. I've only lost backups and never any music.

If it's ok, I'd like to PM you and get your email as an insurance policy should the Website be taken down. I have a lot more questions and work to do to get this thing fully operational.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:02 pm 
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2.0TB storage
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Well, shoot. Something happened when I installed the Connector software. It's a bitter sweet success. The sweet is getting the the OfficeMaven software installed on my MSS and the connector on my workstation. Unfortunately, I lost the profile I had set up on this workstation last month. I had the desktop setup like I wanted it and no that all not available. All of the files appear to still be there.

Hopefully someone smarter than me can help me out. I suspect it is related to the change in the WORKGROUP name that happened at some point during the installation of the connector. When I set my WS up, I just accepted the default workgroup called WORKGROUP. At some point today after installing the essentials package and connector, my WS became part of a "new" workgroup called WORKGROUP.local.

Any help will be appreciated.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:28 am 
2.0TB storage
2.0TB storage
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I am going to apologize in advance for whinning. This has been a bit of a sad and frustrating experience for me. I'm not as sharp as I used to be and even back then, not very sharp.

Installing Essentials on my WS seems to have made it less user friendly. Part of the installation process was to create a new user account. I do not recall seeing an option for using an existing user account. Prior to this, I had Outlook 2007 working just fine with my Gmail account using the 16 digit password for less secure apps.

I moved all 20years+ of pst files to the proper location in the newly created user folder. I then tried to reconnect my Gmail account using a new 16 digit password for less secure apps. In spite of doing exaclty as I had done last month when I reloaded software to my new to me pc, I am unable to send/receive emails as I get a logon error.

I went with the assumption that installing Essentials "broke' something that once worked. So, I begrudgingly installed office 365. That opened another can of worms that is beyond my ability to resolve.

I am really at a loss

Lastly, shutting down the MSS from a remote connections takes in excess of 5 minutes.

Thanks for listening

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